
My experience as MOIC in PHC!

Doing job as Medical officer in PHC (primary health care) is very different and challenging task for me. This experience was new for me. After completing MBBS I joined this PHC. Here I learn how to talk with common people  in thier language and learn about common disorders in rural area. As Medical officer incharge (MOIC) of PHC I suffer from many challenges like to commanding the staff who are elder than me. Teaching them many skills i know. Completing the target ,arranging meeting for programs and daily reporting of many things these are very new to me. Those things are never part of my studies but learn here those things. Completing the target is main goal of government i think. They didn't think how much people are busy and work hard to do they only want their results.  Workingin in tribal and rural area is challenging. People thinking ,dressing, eating habits, working all different from urban people. Convincing society is a big issue i think. Politics and old myths are all aro

TB Patient Diet Chart

  Hello everyone! I am Dr Simran Jain. I am sharing some Diet Charts which are related to Tuberculosis (TB) Patients. As you know TB the name itself gives you so much stress and when people know that they are suffering from TB , patient is depressed, stressed and mentally disturbed. There family exclude them and community did not support them. As we all know in every disease health so much important. So in TB. In TB patients is so thin and loosing lots of weight suddenly. So medicine and diet both are so important. If you are taking medicine and not eating well , it will not help you to fight with disease. So we have to takecare of both then we become healthy. Following Diet plan for " Vegetarians and people who can't afford food (BPL)". 'DIET CHART For TB PATIENT '- Breakfast - Poha(1plate)+ milk (1glass) 8-8:30am 180cal 42cal Mid Meal - Moong dal/green gram sprouts 11-11am 718cal (1cup) Lunch - Dal(1cup)+ steam rice (1cup) 2-2:3